Gorgias Pricing Guide 2024: Plans, Features, and Alternatives

In e-commerce, excellent customer support is a surefire way to boost sales and build customer loyalty. With flexible pricing plans and powerful features, Gorgias is the ideal customer service software for merchants looking to tackle a wide range of operational challenges with ease.

gorgias pricing

With so many pricing plans available, it can be tricky to pick the one that’s best for your business. But don’t worry, this guide is here to help.

We’ll take a deep dive into Gorgias’ pricing strategy for 2024, fully demonstrate its core features, and reveal to you the alternatives on the market. With this series of detailed explanations, you’ll be able to easily make an informed decision on the customer support solution that best meets your business needs.

What is Gorgias Customer Service Software?

Gorgias is an intelligent customer service platform for e-commerce businesses that allows merchants to build a centralized business communication center. Seamlessly integrating email, social media, and live chat, merchants can manage all customer interactions from a single interface, regardless of how they choose to contact you.

Merchants can leverage intelligent automation features to address common issues, allowing teams to focus on solving more complex and personalized customer problems. Increased efficiency also ensures consistency and quality of the customer experience. Meanwhile, its detailed analytics tools provide insight into key customer service data, helping businesses optimize their service strategy.

Additionally, Gorgias leverages customer data—such as purchase history and order details—to enhance customer support by offering personalized assistance and making informed sales decisions.

Whether you want to improve operational efficiency or enhance customer loyalty, Gorgias is a powerful enabler of your e-commerce success. Support agents play a crucial role in managing customer interactions across various platforms and improving response times, ultimately converting support functions into profit centers.

gorgias pricing

Key Points About Gorgias

With so many useful and easy-to-use key features, Gorgias is one of the best customer service tools for online stores. Here are some of the most important things that make Gorgias a great tool for managing relationships with customers:

Omni-Channel Support

With Gorgias, you can get help right away through email, live chat, social media (Facebook, Instagram), WhatsApp, voicemail, and text messages.

This means that businesses can help customers right away on any platform they choose. This integration cuts down on the time it takes to switch between systems and makes sure that customer needs are met quickly.

So, if a customer asks a question about a product on Instagram, Gorgias can quickly tell the customer service team to answer on the same platform, and the customer doesn’t have to go to Instagram to get the answer.

Shared Email Box

The Shared Inbox feature in Gorgias lets members of the customer service team centralize customer questions and share views and files to make sure that no questions are missed.

Through macros, team members can also set up reaction templates that make it easy to answer common questions, like how the order is going or what the return and exchange policy is.

Smartly assign tickets to the right people on your team, and use tags and custom views to make ticket handling even better. This centralized handling makes it easier for teams to respond quickly and get things done.

List of Knowledge

The information base feature in Gorgias is a key part of making customer self-service better. Create and share an internal and external knowledge base, and make product usage tips, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and other materials available so that customers can solve their own problems.

This not only makes the customer service team’s job easier, but it also makes it easier for customers to help themselves and solve problems faster.

gorgias pricing

Rules and Automation

Teams can use Gorgias’ automation tools to set up simple processes that can do things like autoresponders, ticket assignments, and suggesting knowledge base articles. Automated responses can enhance customer support efficiency by addressing common inquiries, such as order tracking.

Custom rules can make certain actions happen automatically based on what the customer wants. This makes service more personalized and efficient. Automation can also be used to send follow-up emails, update the state of orders, or start certain marketing campaigns, which makes services more personalized and efficient.

Managing each support ticket effectively is crucial for handling customer inquiries and issues. Automation can help prioritize tickets based on intent and sentiment, ensuring timely and relevant responses.

Connectivity with Online Stores and Shopping Carts

Leading e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce all work seamlessly with Gorgias. This means that your customer service team can view and manage orders, customer information, and product data directly in Gorgias, which speeds up the customer service process.

More In-Depth Analytics, Revenue Statistics, and Reporting

Gorgias has advanced reporting tools that can help you keep an eye on how your team is doing and how your customers are interacting with them. Using real-time data and trend analysis, you can find service problems, figure out how to best set up your team, and make customers happier.

Cons of Gorgias 

While Gorgias is quite comprehensive, its value can only be measured in practice. We’ve summarized some of the drawbacks of Gorgias in real-world use, based on customer reviews of popular platforms like G2 and TrustRadius. 

gorgias pricing

Reporting Limitations 

Some users have reported that Gorgias’ reporting features don’t have in-depth and customizable options and don’t perform as well as other help desks. And this limitation may hinder businesses that need detailed, customized reports. 

Scalability Issues 

While Gorgias is well-received by small businesses, some larger organizations have found its functionality lacking as they grow. The platform may not be able to provide the robust functionality needed for enterprise-level operations. 

Learning Curve 

Gorgias has a user-friendly interface, but some users find that mastering Gorgias takes a lot of time and resources. Even with resources like the Gorgias Academy, the learning process is convoluted. 

Customer Support Issues 

Some users mention that the Gorgias customer service team is slow to respond. This delay is very frustrating when users need more help. 

Detailed Breakdown of Gorgias Pricing Plans

Gorgias offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different business sizes and support needs. We’ll provide a comprehensive overview of each plan and pricing structure below to help you choose the right plan for your business.

Gorgias Pricing-Basic Plan

gorgias pricing

Price: $60 per month

Included Billable Tickets: 300 per month

User Seats: 500


  • Omnichannel support (email, live chat, social media, WhatsApp)
  • Basic shared inbox functionalities (macros, ticket assignments, tags, customizable ticket views)
  • Basic automation capabilities include Macros, rules for tickets, intent & sentiment detection, chat campaigns, help centers, and satisfaction surveys.
  • Integration with major eCommerce platforms (Shopify, Shopify Plus, BigCommerce)
  • Each customer response counts as one billable ticket, whether from an agent or an automated response.
  • A billable ticket includes any customer interaction, excluding internal notes or ticket attribute changes.

Small business enterprises or startups that are just beginning to build customer support can choose Gorgias’ basic plan. The plan has a manageable number of tickets and offers comprehensive support without the high cost.

Gorgias Pricing-Pro Plan

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Price: $360 per month

Included Billable Tickets: 2,000 per month


  • All Basic Plan features.
  • Enhanced omni-channel support. Provides voice and text messaging to target more personalized communications (for an additional fee).
  • Advanced Shared Inbox.  The Advanced Shared Inbox feature displays detailed customer background information in the customer sidebar, allowing agents to ensure that each customer receives personalized service.
  • Knowledge Base.  Build a robust internal and external knowledge base with detailed FAQs and help guides.
  • Deep automation tools. Streamline workflows, including autoresponders and knowledge-base article recommendations.
  • Comprehensive Measurement & Improvement. Get a comprehensive view of customer interactions and team performance with real-time stats and revenue statistics.
  • In addition to Shopify, Shopify Plus, and BigCommerce, it also integrates seamlessly with Magento to simplify order and customer information management.
  • Onboarding support. Receive varying levels of assistance to help new users set up and navigate the system efficiently.

If you’re a midsized business with higher support requirements, the Pro plan is ideal. For increasing customer interactions, additional tickets and advanced features can increase management efficiency, making it a cost-effective choice for growing organizations.

Gorgias Pricing-Advanced Plan

gorgias pricing

Price: $900 per month

Included Billable Tickets: 5,000 per month


  • All Pro Plan features.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics (detailed dashboards, real-time performance tracking).
  • Priority support and access to premium features (customizable help centers, additional automation capabilities).
  • Dedicated success manager.
  • Large enterprises that need extensive customer service and performance data should choose this advanced package. Businesses can handle a high volume of tickets and employ advanced tools to run more efficiently, offering tailored client experiences and increasing sales and loyalty.

Gorgias Pricing-Enterprise Plan

gorgias pricing

Price: Custom pricing

Included Billable Tickets: Custom Volume


    • All Advanced Plan features.
    • Tailored solutions for large-scale operations.
    • Dedicated account manager and personalized onboarding
    • Custom services, including integrations and additional support options.

    The Enterprise Plan offers the most flexibility and is tailored to meet the specific needs of large enterprises. This plan is ideal for businesses with unique requirements or those that handle a massive volume of customer interactions.

    Pros & Cons of Gorgias’ Pricing Model 


    • Scalability: Businesses that want to grow should be able to add as many people as they want without having to pay extra.
    • Flexibility: Plans and connections that can be changed to fit the needs of each business.
    • Comprehensive Support: A lot of tools that make things run more smoothly and make customers happier.
    • Support Team: The support team plays a crucial role in managing customer interactions and ensuring customer satisfaction.
    gorgias pricing


    • The usage-based pricing approach can be hard to understand and may make budgeting difficult.
    • Possible Overages: A lot of tickets could mean extra fees, so it’s important to keep a close eye on how they’re used.
    • Ticket Volume: Understanding how many tickets your business handles monthly is essential to evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the pricing model.

    Recommendations for Choosing the Right Plan

    Check the Number of Support Tickets Correctly

    Review and examine your monthly ticketing data to make sure that the plan you chose still meets your needs. Regularly reviewing support ticket data is crucial to ensuring you are addressing customer issues efficiently and choosing the right plan.

    If you want to avoid wasting money and time on unnecessary delays, pick a plan that meets your current service needs and leaves enough room for growth.

    Plan for Business Growth

    Your customers will likely connect with you a lot more as your business grows. Think about how your business will grow over the next year and pick a plan that can handle that. Because of economies of scale, a higher-level plan may be cheaper in the long run. 

    Analysis of Functional Requirements

    Figure out which benefits are essential to your business. If your company needs advanced automation, detailed data, or advanced customer service features, then picking a plan with these features, like Gorgias’ Premium or Enterprise plans, will help your business run more smoothly. 

    Keep An Eye on Usage All The Time

    Set up a way to keep an eye on your ticket number and feature usage on a regular basis. This not only keeps you from having to pay extra fees for going over your plan limits, but it also makes sure that you use your service to its fullest to get the most out of your money. 

    Scalability and Flexibility

    You should pick a plan that is flexible and scalable so that you can quickly adapt to sudden rises in demand without having to stop helping customers.

    Some of Gorgias’ plans may offer prices based on how much you use them, which is a good way to keep costs down. 

    Spending Plans and How Much They Cost

    When making budgets, think about how cost-effective they are generally. Even though some plans may cost more up front, they may be worth it in the long run because they offer more features and make things run more smoothly. 

    Putting the Customer First

    Always put the experience of the customer first. Pick a program with quick responses and great customer service to maintain and improve your brand’s image and keep customers coming back.

    Recommended Reading:

    Top 10 Gorgias Alternatives for Better Customer Support [2024]

    27 Gorgias Integrations You Must Know [2024]

    Final Words

    The Gorgias platform is designed for e-commerce businesses with its powerful features. While its pay-as-you-go model may be confusing for some users, we think Gorgias could be a great fit for you if your business has the following characteristics:

    • Use the Shopify platform and have a relatively low number of inquiries.
    • Need to provide access to a large number of employees.

    However, we may not recommend Gorgias if your business is

    • A fast-growing business that needs a stable and easy-to-understand pricing strategy.
    • A large organization that needs more advanced features and more reliable integration services.

    If you’re still on the fence, try some other tools. For example, Willdesk from Channelwill offers free plans and a 7-day free trial with no commitment.

    Sign up today to experience our services for yourself and find the solution that works best for you!


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    Note: This blog was originally written in English and translated using an automated tool to make the content accessible to a global audience. We believe in sharing valuable insights with everyone and apologize for any inaccuracies. If you spot any errors, please feel free to contact us for corrections. Your feedback helps us improve and ensures the content’s value is fully realized.

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