95% Customer Satisfaction: Laifen’s Turnaround with ParcelPanel and Loloyal

Beauty & Personal Care
Products Used
ParcelPanel Order Tracking
Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral
Increased Customer Satisfaction
Higher Retention Rates
Boosted Sales from Loyal Customers

Brief Summary

Industry: Beauty & Personal Care

Platform & Agency: Shopify 

Challenge: Experienced sub-optimal customer satisfaction levels, high number of WISMO calls, low customer retention rates, and stagnant sales from existing customers. 

Solution: Adopt ParcelPanel and Loloyal to streamline customer retention strategies, enhance the user experience, and drive repeat sales.

Results:  Achieved 95% customer satisfaction rate, 30% boost in customer retention, and 20% rise in sales from loyal customers

About Laifen: Leading the Way in Personal Care Innovation

Laifen is a beauty-tech eCommerce brand known for cutting-edge hairdryers and next-gen electric toothbrushes. Their products are present in over five million households worldwide, owing to their seamless functionality and design. Laifen’s strong proclivity for delivering innovative products led them to dedicate most of their resources to research and development. 

This resulted in inadequate customer service and marketing efforts, both of which hampered their ability to boost sales. That’s when they decided to adopt two highly successful post-purchase experience platforms – ParcelPanel and Loloyal to shift gears.


Challenges: Key Obstacles in Laifen’s Growth Journey

Main Takeaways

  • Laifen experienced below-par customer satisfaction levels, leaving many customers feeling dissatisfied with their overall experience with the brand. 
  • Laifen dealt with a high number of “Where Is My Order” (WISMO) calls, overwhelming their already understaffed customer service team.
  • The brand faced low customer retention rates and struggled to attract customers for repeat purchases.
  • They encountered stagnant sales from existing customers, failing to see growth or increased spending from their loyal customer base.

Laifen grappled with multi-level challenges, each tied to the different stages of their customers’ post-purchase journey. First and foremost, many customers were frustrated due to delayed or inadequate responses to their order queries. Customers were not receiving the transparent communication they expected from a brand they had just purchased. Laifen’s already stretched-thin customer service team couldn’t handle the huge influx of WISMO calls. 

Secondly, Laifen was struggling to retain existing customers and couldn’t stop them from switching to their competitors. Customers who bought from them once were not convinced to return, despite receiving high-quality products from Laifen. This indicated deeper issues in building customer loyalty and trust. Both of these issues snowballed into another fresh obstacle for Laifen – reduced spending from their existing customer base, which directly affected their sales.

These challenges highlighted a critical gap in Laifen’s re-engagement strategies. It underscored the urgent need to re-evaluate their approach and find effective solutions to all these issues without further delays. And this led them to ParcelPanel and Loloyal.

“Before adopting ParcelPanel and Loloyal, we were struggling to manage the expectations of our existing customers. On one hand, our CS team was exhausted from repeated customer calls asking for recent order updates. On the other hand, our customers had minimal motivation to come back to us to purchase another product. “

— Ms. Amy Ma, Head of Global PR and Communications, Laifen

Solution: How ParcelPanel and Loloyal revitalize Laifen’s retention strategies?

Main Takeaways

  • ParcelPanel’s real-time tracking feature and automated notifications provided Laifen’s customers with the latest information on their orders, reducing the volume of WISMO calls.
  • ParcelPanel’s branded tracking page allowed Laifen to re-engage their existing customers through personalized experiences.
  • Loloyal’s points program and VIP tier features helped Laifen incentivize repeat purchases by rewarding customers for their loyalty.
  • Loloyal’s referral program encouraged satisfied customers to bring in new customers, expanding Laifen’s customer base. 

After deep research and careful consideration, Laifen partnered with ParcelPanel and Loloyal to address all the challenges that were plaguing them with their existing customers. 

ParcelPanel, the order tracking platform, was fully utilized to address low customer satisfaction and reduce the dependence on their CS team. The ability of ParcelPanel to provide a real-time tracking function ensured that the customers always knew the whereabouts of their orders and there was no uncertainty regarding the same. Similarly, ParcelPanel’s branded tracking page equipped Laifen with a fitting platform to upsell and cross-sell their other products, driving repeat purchases.

Loloyal, the loyalty program management tool, worked in parallel to improve customer loyalty and delight customers with personalized incentives. It also offered a fully customizable rewards program to capitalize on the power of word-of-mouth marketing. This not only brought in new customers but also helped foster deeper relationships with their existing customer base.  

“ParcelPanel and LolLoyal worked in complete sync to turn things around for us. We could see a stark improvement in the satisfaction levels of our customers within one week’s time. Our customers particularly loved the ease with which they could track their orders in real-time from the comfort of their homes.”

— Ms. Jeniffer Yang, Region Marketing Head, Laifen

Result: Tech-Driven Success in all Frontiers for Laifen

Main Takeaways

  • Laifen experienced an industry-first 95% customer satisfaction rate within a short span.
  • Thanks to the real-time order tracking feature, Laifen quickly achieved a 40% reduction in shipping-related inquiries.
  • The rewards program and the VIP tier features of Loloyal helped Laifen achieve a 30% increase in customer retention rates and a 20% rise in sales from loyal customers.

The integration of Laifen with ParcelPanel had a huge positive impact on the user experience. 

For starters, the transparency in getting access to the latest shipment information ensured customers were never left in the dark when it came to their orders. Second, there was a 40% decrease in shipping-related customer inquiries, which allowed the CS team to concentrate on more complicated inquiries from other customers who expected prompt responses. All of these resulted in a 95% customer satisfaction rate. 

Similarly, Loloyal’s rewards program, referral program, and VIP tier features ensured that Laifen’s customers had a strong motive to stay back with them. This also meant that the brand no longer had to burn cash on various fruitless marketing initiatives. The regular incentives for repeat orders and the gamified rewards for bringing in new customers meant that the customers were more involved with the brand and its growth trajectory. All of these led to a massive upshift in the sales numbers. 

“Every KPI we measured displayed considerable improvement after implementing ParcelPanel and LoLoyal. From customer satisfaction levels to retention rates, we crossed industry benchmarks by a good margin.” 

— Ms. Carlin Duan, Marketing Manager, Laifen

Charting a Path to Success

ParcelPanel and LoLoyal became the much-needed boosters for Laifen’s poor sales numbers and have been instrumental in solving problems at deep levels for them. They have ensured that Laifen’s customers not only became repeat customers but also strong advocates for the brand. In the coming days, ParcelPanel and LoLoyal’s ability to stay ahead of industry trends is going to play a strong role in Laifen’s transformative growth and position them as a tech-first company in the beauty and personal care industry. 

“With ParcelPanl and LoLoyal in our arsenal, we are extremely optimistic about our future. Our customers have not only purchased repeatedly from us but have also talked about their positive experiences within their circles. We are expecting all-round growth in the coming days and a drastic improvement in sales from both new and existing customers”.

— Mr. Phil Chen, Marketing Manager, Laifen

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