Meet The Best Alternative To Klaviyo

How does Channelwill compare with Klaviyo? What’s the best platform to build a streamlined Shopify store management and marketing solution? What is the best alternative to Klaviyo? Discover why Channelwill is a great competitor to Klaviyo.
Klaviyo altenatives

Looking for Klaviyo Alternatives

Switch to Channelwill—built for Shopify, cost-effective, with robust product features and 24/7 support, the ideal Klaviyo alternative.

Reason 1:

Built Exclusively for Shopify & Shopify Plus

At Channelwill, we dedicate ourselves to enhancing Shopify stores like yours. Every week, we introduce new features that have already boosted operational efficiency for our users by 40%—a significant improvement compared to Klaviyo’s more generalized approach.
Choosing us means opting for a partner that offers custom solutions and substantial improvements tailored just for Shopify. We invite you to experience the difference with Channelwill, where your store’s potential is our priority.

Reason 2:

Maximize Profits, Minimize Costs

Klaviyo‘s additional costs associated with unstable active profiles from its tiered pricing plans bring more uncertain costs for its users. With Channelwill simple and transparent pricing plans, we help our customers slash costs by 30-40%
Our straightforward, free onboarding process boasts a 95% satisfaction rate, ensuring a smooth transition and effective support for growth, free from Klaviyo’s uncertain monthly fees- like $105/month just including 501-1,000 profiles to do email and SMS marketing.

Reason 3:

24/7 Support Service Commitment

At Channelwill, we stand apart with our 24/7 support, directly addressing the concerns raised about Klaviyo’s slower, less personalized help. Our team guarantees responses within 8 minutes for live chats, ensuring immediate assistance.
We’re not just quick; we’re knowledgeable, having resolved issues for over 500 brands. This experience equips us to offer precise, custom solutions around the clock. Choose Channelwill for support that’s both fast and tailored to your e-commerce needs.

Discover How Channelwill Compare with Klaviyo


Channelwill stands out as the leading post-purchase and marketing automating platform for Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants, empowering over 300,000 Shopify and Shopify Plus users.

Channelwill’s integrated platform streamlines order tracking, returns, reviews, loyalty, SEO, and referrals, ensuring seamless post-purchase experiences that drive conversions and foster customer loyalty.

With our intuitive setup, robust features of each product, seamless integrations, and transparent pricing plans, Shopify businesses of all sizes can easily build trust and increase sales.

Klaviyo altenatives

Klaviyo is a premier platform for email and SMS marketing, customer data management, automation, and data analytics, designed to enhance customer engagement and drive revenue growth.

However, Klaviyo does not offer features such as live chat, helpdesk solutions, or returns management, which are crucial for improving the post-purchase customer experience.

Klaviyo’s customizable pricing plans and relatively high costs may not provide the most cost-effective solution for merchants looking for an all-in-one platform tailored to their specific needs.

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Core Features
Built for Shopify
Seamless integration of diverse products on a single platform
Transparent pricing
24/7 customer support Paid accounts; Only for with email not live chat
Smart analytics
Post-purchase solution
Marketing solution
Auto multi-language & currency switcher
AI-powered SEO
Live Chat & Helpdesk
Post-Purchase Solution
Shipping notifications
Branded tracking page
Estimated delivery date
Customer success manager
Custom shipment status
Returns & exchanges
Live Chat
Help Center
Social media
Marketing Solution
Product Reviews
Beautiful review widget
Import review from AliExpress
Automatic review request
Various ways to collect reviews
Review reply
Video reviews
Product Grouping feature
Google Shopping review & snippet integration
Email marketing
Loyalty Program
Points & rewards
Points & rewards expiry
Referral program
Custom CSS
Customizable email & pop up
Advanced analytics & branding
VIP Tiers
Customer Success
Affiliate & Referral
Auto-generated coupon
Auto-apply affiliate coupon for customer
Special product commission
Pay commission with PayPal & Store Credit
Ambassador’s brand storefront
Multi-product recommendation page
Email & SMS
Mobile push notifications
Welcome series
Abandoned cart reminder Drive more revenue by reminding
Post-purchase follow-up
Browse abandonment
Price drop reminder
Back in stock reminder
Customer segmentation
Campaign personalization
Customer profiles
Email templates, built-in
Dynamic product feed
Multi-step forms
Embedded forms
Form teasers
A/B testing
Chatgpt AI writer
SEO checker
Image compress
Exchange backlink
Bulk edit image alt
Bulk edit meta tags
Site speed up
Monitor keyword ranking
Technical Features
Developer API & Webhook
AI-Powered SEO
Shopify App Store Ranking 4.9/5.0 4.5/5.0

Channelwill vs. Klaviyo: Pricing

How Much You’ll Save From Choosing Channlwill

Channelwill’s pricing is based on products. We don’t charge per seat, so you can own all the apps we provide as you want.
This model allows for unlimited users, ensuring that your entire team can leverage our tools without any additional costs. Our transparent pricing means no hidden fees, making it simple and straightforward to understand exactly what you’re paying for, and ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Depending on the number of orders and business size you own, switching from Klaviyo’s tiered structure based on active profiles with additional costs for SMS/MMS credits to Channelwill could save you tens of thousands per year. Your Attractive Heading
Klaviyo’s pricing model, based on active profiles, offers flexibility for businesses of different sizes and needs.
However, its tiered structure may lead users to upgrade for specific features, potentially increasing costs. Businesses with fluctuating active profile numbers may face pricing uncertainty. Additionally, some users find the credit-based pricing model less transparent, making it difficult to understand expenditure correlation with email or SMS quantities sent.
One brand paid $3,000 per year for 1666 SMS just sent to Germany, and now pays $1500 with Channelwill. Save 50% of the cost from Klaviyo.
Case Stories

Meet Leading Brands with Channelwill

Fair Pricing Policy

Channelwill offers free and paid plans. All our plans come with flat pricing, so you can expect what you pay at the end of the month.

No Engagement

We want you to be free to leave
whenever you want. That’s why Channelwill plans come with no engagement.

Free Trial

Ever bought something without any
trial? That’s why all our plans come
with a trial of 14 days without any CCs

Discover Why Channelwill is the Best Alternative to Market Leaders







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