Marc Gebauer: From Social Media Sensation to Shopify Success –108x ROI Boost with ParcelPanel

Products Used
ParcelPanel Order Tracking
A Whopping ROI
Dip in WISMO Queries
Spike in CSAT

Company Overview

Brand: Marc Gebauer
Sector: Accessories
Platform: Shopify Plus
Location: Germany
Established: 2020
Active Since: January 2021
Shipping Partners: More than 5
Integrations: Not Applicable

Brand Essence

Marc Gebauer stands at the intersection of luxury and digital innovation, offering an exquisite selection of high-end watches to connoisseurs around the globe. His brand is synonymous with the utmost quality and craftsmanship in the intricate world of horology, celebrated for bringing unparalleled timepieces to the fingertips of enthusiasts via an elegant online platform.

The Evolution

The brand’s genesis was propelled by Marc’s engaging social media presence, where his insightful commentary on luxury timepieces captured the imagination of audiences worldwide. Recognizing a unique opportunity, Marc transitioned from being a digital influencer to the proprietor of a flourishing Shopify store in 2020, quickly becoming a magnet for luxury watch aficionados.

Overcoming Growth Pains

The brand’s meteoric rise was not without its hurdles. The wave of incoming orders signified a booming business but also unveiled the complexities of scale, especially in managing customer expectations and order inquiries. The challenge of maintaining high customer satisfaction became more apparent as WISMO (Where Is My Order?) questions surged, putting a strain on the customer service framework.

Strategic Solutions

In response, Marc Gebauer sought a robust solution to streamline order tracking and preserve the brand’s stellar reputation. The search culminated in the adoption of ParcelPanel, a comprehensive order tracking platform that offered:

  • Multilingual Tracking Page: Tailored to accommodate a global clientele, ensuring a user-friendly post-purchase experience across diverse markets.
  • Post-Purchase Marketing: Utilizing the tracking page as an avenue for strategic promotions, thereby fostering customer loyalty and encouraging repeat business.
  • Insightful Analytics: Enabling detailed oversight of delivery performance, which in turn bolstered reliability and customer confidence.

Remarkable Outcomes

The implementation of ParcelPanel marked a turning point:

  • Significant ROI Increase: Leveraging post-purchase interactions led to a remarkable 108x return on investment.
  • Reduction in Customer Inquiries: A 56% decrease in WISMO tickets as customers gained direct access to real-time order tracking.
  • Boost in Customer Satisfaction: A notable 5.4% uplift in customer satisfaction scores, reflecting the enhanced post-purchase journey.


ParcelPanel has transcended being merely a tool for Marc Gebauer; it has become a pivotal partner in the brand’s continuous quest for excellence. With ParcelPanel’s support, Marc Gebauer not only addresses logistical challenges but also seizes the opportunity to enrich the customer experience, ensuring every detail, like the precision of a well-crafted watch, is in perfect harmony.

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